Odysseus Meets Popeye
from 'Mythic' musical adventurer to Popeye! D
Don't Look Back!
Well, I just re-read my last post and had to laugh. After all my excitement about redoing 'Dreamtime' I finally listened to it! Never...
My Big Vision!
Hola todos, I'm back after a bit of a hiatus. I've reached a turning point in my musical/artisitic career. I want to include all my...
'The Honeymoon stage
Laurence - producer, engineer and eccentric spark Started recording with PapaTigre! yesterday. We're at what I call the 'honeymoon...
I'm getting close to recording new material with PapaTigre!. These are new songs and a new approach musically - we haven't really...
Re-discovering hope!
Hope . . . a short word with such large meaning attached to it! I occasionally lose sight of where I'm going to and why. I look in the...
Depression? Nah!
I've experienced a bout of depression over the last week. Crept up on me until I felt like curling up into a little ball and never...
The second reason
I've been thinking 'bout the temptations offered in the music business. From 14 'til my early thirties the second most important reason I...
I've owned and disposed of a lot of valuable guitars during my musical life. I've always been influenced by fashion, both looks and...
Off to London
I decided to risk all with Carmen. Three years of gigging and auditioning for record labels in the States had produced nothing. No one...