Unexpected connections
Finding what I need in the music business isn't always a direct experience for me. I've almost never ended up where I wanted to be...
I've been giggin' since I was 4, a fact I don't usually think about except every once in awhile when it surfaces and takes me by...
My dad, like many people, was a living contradiction. He could be helpful and insightful, telling me his philosophical concepts and using...
The Guitar 'n Me
My up/down relationship with the guitar started when I was 2. That was when I asked my dad to teach me. I have no memory of doing this...
Two Energies
Just got an email from Roberto - singer/dancer/ choreographer with Carmen - containing a few images from back in the day. I hadn't seen...
Artistic Integrity?
I just responded to this question on Facebook and thought I'd put the correspondence in my blog. It's about an artistic dilemna that was...
Acquiring a habit.
I have an old set of publicity photographs in which I bear an eerie resemblance to that other David, el señor Cassidy. I blame it on the...
Looking back
Looking back always improves things for me. I can get crazy with what I think are inexcusable blunders on stage only to find - with the...
Charls and me
Charlotte made music with me for many years, I couldn't have wished for a more spectacular presence on stage. When I asked her to join...
Playin' for mom
Back in 2008, my mother and brother came over to visit and watch my band Widescreen play live. I got very excited. Neither of them had...