El Diablo
Patience is such a difficult practice! I've been trying to find the right department, tweaking and then applying to universities re my...
What A Day!!!
I'm really pleased and proud of myself for what I've accomplished over the past 4 years!!!
Keep On Truckin' !!!
in the immortal words of the 60s cartoonist, Robert Crumb (who borrowed them from the 30s blues artist Blind Boy Fuller, who probably approp
ps: Boy, the wide-angle lens of my mobile makes my nose seem massive!
How Has Your Year Been?
Trump and 'politics' seem to have dominated most of this years news headlines - will he go the way of Nixon . . . who knows?
Further Adventures in Academia?
I'm currently sitting at my desktop wondering how wide my ass will get now that most of my artistic work consists of many hours each day
Madness, Magic, Murder . . .
. . . our use of sound, rhythm and music as a means to express our internal chaos and achieve healing or balance in some form.